A great product at a great price:
- $100 opening deposit
- No service charge if a balance of at least $500 is maintained daily.
- If the balance falls below $500 on any one day a $10.00 service charge will be assessed
- No activity fee as long as no more than 75 deposits and no more than 55 written checks clear through the account in a statement cycle
- A $0.15 activity fee will be assessed for each deposit over 75 and each written check over 55
- Statement cycles on the last business day of the month
- Free access to online banking

- $100 opening deposit
- No service charge if a balance of at least $5,000 is maintained daily.
- If the balance falls below $5,000 on any one day a $15.00 service charge will be assessed
- No monthly service charge
- No activity fees
- Statement cycles on the last business day of the month
- Free access to online banking